BGH: New Partner


Bradshaw Gass & Hope LLP is delighted to announce the appointment of Brendan Howarth as a new member of the Partnership. Brendan has been leading the Structural Engineering department for a number of years and this invitation is a recognition of the significant effort put in and capability he has shown. He will continue to lead the Structural and Civil Engineering department and will support the other Partners in delivering professional and business governance.

Brendan is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of I Struct E with 20 years’ experience in the construction industry, working across the North West and within the private and public sectors, he has proven to be a capable engineer. Bradshaw Gass & Hope LLP will benefit from the resolve and capability that Brendan has shown in the years since joining the Practice. We wish him every success.


Rise Framework: Direct Appointment


BGH: Feasibility